Local Weather Forecast

Temperature: 23.5°C
Dew Point: 22.5°C
Relative Humidity: 94%
Wind Speed: 5.6km/h
Wind Gusts: 7.4km/h
Wind Direction: NW
Pressure: 1007.4hPa
Rain Since 9AM: 30.6mm

Thunderstorms Late
Thunderstorms Late. Morning Clouds. Warm.
23 - 31

Rain Showers
Rain Showers. Mostly Cloudy. Warm. Humid.
23 - 30

Numerous Showers
Numerous Showers. Mostly Cloudy. Mild. Humid.
23 - 25

Autumn Specials

Great Places to Eat

Whalewatching Specials

Best Holiday Packages

Hervey Bay Accommodation and Packages

Hervey Bay Queensland offers a range of quality establishments to cater for all budgets and tastes. This is reflective of a popular and emerging holiday destination.  This directory aims to be a comprehensive hervey bay guide for all holiday requirements in the Hervey Bay area.

Apartments offer fully self contained styles in one, two and three bedroom apartments. All units generally offer complete cooking facilites, private bathroom facilities, and private laundries. Apartment buildings range in size and facilities, but generally offer onsite management, swimming pools and BBQ facilities as standard. Most apartment buildings are modern and located throughout the City of Hervey Bay, Qld.

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Grange Resort

Grange Resort

The most prestigious holiday address in Hervey Bay! Four and a half star Resort Luxury... set amongst beautiful tropical surroundings. Luxurious and spacious air conditioned tw......

Address: Cnr of Shell St and Elizabeth St Hervey Bay Qld 4655
Telephone: 07 4125 2195

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