Local Weather Forecast

Temperature: 23.3°C
Dew Point: 22.1°C
Relative Humidity: 93%
Wind Speed: 13.0km/h
Wind Gusts: 16.7km/h
Wind Direction: E
Pressure: 1014.0hPa
Rain Since 9AM: 14.4mm

Rain Showers
Rain Showers. Mostly Cloudy. Mild. Humid.
23 - 25

Heavy Rain
Heavy Rain. Mostly Cloudy. Mild. Humid.
23 - 26

Numerous Showers
Numerous Showers. Mostly Cloudy. Mild. Humid.
23 - 27

Autumn Specials

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Hervey Bay Clubs & Pubs

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Hervey Bay Surf Club

Hervey Bay Surf Club

Hervey Bay Surf Life Saving Club The Hervey Bay Surf Life Saving Club was originally formed in the 1950's by members living in Maryborough and spending their week-ends at the Bay.......

Address: P.O. Box 5518 Torquay QLD 4655
Telephone: 07 4125 1718
Hervey Bay Boat Club

Hervey Bay Boat Club

Hervey Bay Boat Club is located on the beautiful Urangan marina and boasts spectacular views. Hervey Bay Boat Club Incorporated is a unique group of facilities comprised of Hervey......

Address: Buccaneer Dr Urangan QLD 4655
Telephone: 07 4128 9643
Hervey Bay Golf & Country Club

Hervey Bay Golf & Country Club

The Hervey Bay Golf & Country Club boasts fabulous facilities for members and guests alike, with the native setting of the challenging 18-hole championship course, its well bun......

Address: Tooth Street, Pialba
Telephone: 41244544
Hervey Bay RSL

Hervey Bay RSL

Entertainment & fantastic food for the whole family to enjoy! Welcome to the Hervey Bay RSL. The club was established in 1920 with its first liquor licence granted in 1951. W......

Address: 11 Torquay Road Pialba Hervey Bay, Qld 4655
Telephone: 07 4197 7444

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