Local Weather Forecast

Temperature: 29.0°C
Dew Point: 17.8°C
Relative Humidity: 51%
Wind Speed: 24.1km/h
Wind Gusts: 40.7km/h
Wind Direction: SE
Pressure: 1016.0hPa
Rain Since 9AM: 0.0mm

Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny. Warm.
22 - 29

Scattered Thunderstorms
Scattered Thunderstorms. Mostly Sunny. Warm. Breezy.
24 - 29

Scattered Thunderstorms
Scattered Thunderstorms. Mostly Sunny. Warm. Breezy.
23 - 28

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Apr 8, 2011

Fraser Island Holidays

  • 1-2 Day / Luxury Experience package. Enjoy a one day / two day Tour with expert commentary on your fully guided 4WD adventure, quality prepared lunch, with key visits to Central Station, Lake Birrabeen, Lake Mckenzie, Eli Creek, Maheno shipwreck, coloured sands, & 75 mile beach.
Apr 8, 2011
Fraser Island Hummers ToursStay and Play on Fraser Island in a one day guided tour in a HUMMER - the perfect personalised tour. Discover the secrets of Fraser Island including the flora and fauna with your own personal tour guide.