Local Weather Forecast

Temperature: 24.7°C
Dew Point: 21.0°C
Relative Humidity: 80%
Wind Speed: 16.7km/h
Wind Gusts: 27.8km/h
Wind Direction: SSE
Pressure: 1016.2hPa
Rain Since 9AM: 0.0mm

Thunderstorms Early
Thunderstorms Early. Mostly Sunny. Warm.
23 - 29

Thunderstorms Late
Thunderstorms Late. Morning Clouds. Mild. Breezy.
23 - 28

Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny. Warm. Humid.
23 - 28

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Further Information

Hervey Bay Historical Village & Museum

Address: 13 Zephyr Street, Scarness
Telephone: 4124 5257 / 4124 4791

The Hervey Bay Historical Village & Museum opened in 1974 with one building and has grown over the years to 19 buildings and over 8000 exhibits all related to the local area, spread over 3 acres.

In 1985 the Museum won a State Government award for its contribution to the local community.

The Historical Village and Museum is run by the Hervey Bay Historical Society and all members are volunteers. The museum relies entirely on the generosity of local residents, business and community groups for sponsorship and assistance.

Features of the Village and Museum include:

  • Blacksmith demonstrations
  • Woodturning demonstrations
  • Dundowran School (1894 to 1960)
  • Radish - railway people mover
  • Maritime Display
  • Motor vehicles, diesel engines and tractors

Categories: Attractions