Local Weather Forecast

Temperature: 24.8°C
Dew Point: 21.3°C
Relative Humidity: 81%
Wind Speed: 14.8km/h
Wind Gusts: 24.1km/h
Wind Direction: SSE
Pressure: 1015.9hPa
Rain Since 9AM: 0.0mm

Thunderstorms Early
Thunderstorms Early. Mostly Sunny. Warm.
23 - 29

Thunderstorms Late
Thunderstorms Late. Morning Clouds. Mild. Breezy.
23 - 28

Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny. Warm. Humid.
23 - 28

Autumn Specials

Great Places to Eat

Whalewatching Specials

Best Holiday Packages

Further Information

Hervey Bay Ten Pin Bowl & Zone 3

Address: 60-62 Boat Harbour Drive, Hervey Bay
Telephone: 41284200

HERVEY BAY TEN PIN BOWL and ZONE 3 can provide hours of family fun for you to enjoy!

  • 8 lane bowling alley
  • Zone 3 game centre
  • Amusement area
  • Pro Shop

The facility is wheel chair friendly and caters for all.

Operating Times

Monday 9am to 8:30pm
Tuesday 9am to 8:30pm
Wednesday 9am to 8:30pm
Thursday 9am to 8:30pm
Friday 9am to late
Saturday 9am to late
Sunday 10am to 6pm
Public Holidays 10am to 6pm

After hours Group bookings
Ph (07) 4128 4200

Categories: Attractions