Local Weather Forecast

Temperature: 24.7°C
Dew Point: 21.0°C
Relative Humidity: 80%
Wind Speed: 16.7km/h
Wind Gusts: 27.8km/h
Wind Direction: SSE
Pressure: 1016.2hPa
Rain Since 9AM: 0.0mm

Thunderstorms Early
Thunderstorms Early. Mostly Sunny. Warm.
23 - 29

Thunderstorms Late
Thunderstorms Late. Morning Clouds. Mild. Breezy.
23 - 28

Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny. Warm. Humid.
23 - 28

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Apr 8, 2011

Hummer Tours

Fraser Island Hummers ToursStay and Play on Fraser Island in a one day guided tour in a HUMMER - the perfect personalised tour. Discover the secrets of Fraser Island including the flora and fauna with your own personal tour guide.

The only tour company to offer you the thrill of a Hummer and the exclusiveness of a small group.


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