Local Weather Forecast

Temperature: 24.8°C
Dew Point: 21.3°C
Relative Humidity: 81%
Wind Speed: 14.8km/h
Wind Gusts: 24.1km/h
Wind Direction: SSE
Pressure: 1015.9hPa
Rain Since 9AM: 0.0mm

Thunderstorms Early
Thunderstorms Early. Mostly Sunny. Warm.
23 - 29

Thunderstorms Late
Thunderstorms Late. Morning Clouds. Mild. Breezy.
23 - 28

Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny. Warm. Humid.
23 - 28

Autumn Specials

Great Places to Eat

Whalewatching Specials

Best Holiday Packages

Further Information

Spirit of Hervey Bay Heritage Cruise

Telephone: 1800 642 544 or 07 4125 5131

Explore the Great Sandy Straits

Enjoy a relaxing day out cruising the sheltered waters of the Great Sandy Straits on board the luxurious Spirit of Hervey Bay.  Unwind as we make our way through the spectacular unspoilt waterways of the straits weaving our way around the many islands, sand banks and wilderness beauty spots.

Share in the history of McKenzies logging jetty on the World Heritage Listed Fraser Island, a relic of Fraser Island's logging and sawmill industry.  Discover the Ceratodus Wreck and the surrounding area which was the site of a miltary training camp for the Z Special Unit commando soldiers in WWII.

Discover the abundant wildlife that inhabits the clear waters of the bay.  Keep an eye out for dolphins, turtles, dugongs and other marine life. The Straits are also a favourite haunt for a variety of seabirds.

The Heritage Cruise includes courtesy pickup from tourist accommodation, informative commentary on the Great Sandy Straits, smorgasbord lunch and more.

Come and discover all that the Great Sandy Straits has to offer cruising the pristine waters between Hervey Bay and Fraser Island.

From November to July

Categories: Tours