Local Weather Forecast

Temperature: 24.7°C
Dew Point: 21.0°C
Relative Humidity: 80%
Wind Speed: 16.7km/h
Wind Gusts: 27.8km/h
Wind Direction: SSE
Pressure: 1016.2hPa
Rain Since 9AM: 0.0mm

Thunderstorms Early
Thunderstorms Early. Mostly Sunny. Warm.
23 - 29

Thunderstorms Late
Thunderstorms Late. Morning Clouds. Mild. Breezy.
23 - 28

Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny. Warm. Humid.
23 - 28

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Whalewatching Specials

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Further Information

Marine Rescue Hervey Bay

Address: Buccaneer Drive, Urangan QLD 4655
Telephone: 07 4128 9666


Our Rescue Base is situated within the Urangan Boat Harbour, overlooking Fraser Island, the world's largest "Sand Island".

Our operational area covers all of Hervey Bay and extends North from the Breaksea Light Buoy (approximately 20 nautical miles from the northern tip of Fraser Island), Southwest to Woodgate and South to Boonlye Point, approximately mid-way down the Great Sandy Straits.

Hervey Bay is reputed as being one of the best "Whale Watching" areas in Australia. Each year these gentle giants visit us for a short period of rest and recreation before continuing their migration South to the colder waters of the Antarctica.

Apart from "Whale Watching", Hervey Bay offers anglers some of the best game fishing opportunities all year round.

In order for VMR466 to provide protective coverage, we urge the boating fraternity using our wonderful waterways to log on with us or with one of our affiliated squadrons before departure.



Frequencies Monitored:

Ch 16/67 - Call / Emergency Frequency
Ch 73 - Working frequency
Ch 22 - Repeater (for waters north of the Hervey Bay Fairway Beacon)

Office/Postal Address

Buccaneer Avenue
Qld 4655

Contact Details
P: (07) 4128 9666
F: (07) 4128 9789


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