Local Weather Forecast

Temperature: 29.0°C
Dew Point: 17.8°C
Relative Humidity: 51%
Wind Speed: 24.1km/h
Wind Gusts: 40.7km/h
Wind Direction: SE
Pressure: 1016.0hPa
Rain Since 9AM: 0.0mm

Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny. Warm.
22 - 29

Scattered Thunderstorms
Scattered Thunderstorms. Mostly Sunny. Warm. Breezy.
24 - 29

Scattered Thunderstorms
Scattered Thunderstorms. Mostly Sunny. Warm. Breezy.
23 - 28

Autumn Specials

Great Places to Eat

Whalewatching Specials

Best Holiday Packages

Hervey Bay Whale Watching - QLD Australia

Whale VideoThe season runs from late July to early November and that's when you need to be here to view get up close and personal to the most magnificent creatures on the planet.

You will never forget the experience when a huge whale looks you in the eye.

For more information on Whale Watching in Hervey Bay - click here.

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Spirit of Hervey Bay

Spirit of Hervey Bay

For the Ultimate whale watching experience cruise aboard the Spirit of Hervey Bay for an exhilarating interactive adventure with the mighty humpback whale. Fast & luxurious th......

Telephone: 1800 642 544 or 07 4125 5131
Blue Dolphin Tours

Blue Dolphin Tours

Join Hervey Bay’s only multi-award winning whale watching sail vessel. We are also the smallest in the fleet at just 10.5m in length. Most of the whales we see are 10 to 13 metre......

Address: Hervey Bay, QLD 4655
Telephone: 07 4124 9600


Freedom can offer you a fantastic day out on the waters of Hervey Bay to see the amazing humpback whales in their natural environment. We provide transfers from your accommodation,......

Address: Berth 12A Great Sandy Marina
Telephone: 07 4125 1996
Whalesong Cruises - Whalewatching

Whalesong Cruises - Whalewatching

Welcome to Whalesong Let Whalesong Cruises take you to the area where you will get the closest encounters with whales that you will get anywhere in Australia. Because we operate ......

Address: Great Sandy Straits Marina, Urangan Q 4655
Telephone: 07 4125 6222
Tasman Venture

Tasman Venture

TASMAN VENTURE WHALE WATCHING CRUISES Experience the trip of a lifetime aboard the Tasman Venture viewing the spectacular Humpback whales. The Tasman Venture is favored particular......

Address: Great Sandy Straits Marina, Hervey Bay
Telephone: 41243222
Hervey Bay Whale Watching

Hervey Bay Whale Watching

From late July to early November, Hervey Bay is privileged to have the magnificent Humpback whales grace its calm and crystal clear waters. People come to the Bay from all over the......

Address: Hervey Bay
Quick Cat II

Quick Cat II

Cruise with the whale watch pioneers, Brian and Jill Perry aboard Quick Cat II and find out why Hervey Bay Whale Watch is the most awarded whale watch company in Australia. There ......

Address: Berth A6, Great Sandy Straits Marina, Urangan Boat Harbour
Telephone: 07 4128 9611

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